Lowongan : Internship Jurnalis & Ponto Law Firm
Jurnalis & Ponto Law Firm is constantly looking out for qualified lawyers and recent graduates to join the team.
Fresh graduates usually start off as a junior associate, but more experienced lawyers interested in joining our firm will be assessed by their work experience and their previous accomplishment and be placed accordingly.
If you think you are Jurnalis & Ponto candidate, send us your resume and any relevant documents to:
Email : amuthosim@jurnalisponto.co.id
No Tlp/Hp : 021-5278457 - 081310773299
Contact Person : Ahmad Muthosim, S.H., M.H
Alamat kantor : Jl. Tulodong Bawah No. B 3, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan